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There’s Hope In Sight.

Treat learning difficulties at their source by correcting functional vision issues.

80% of what children learn is based on what they SEE. Your child may have a “vision” problem – even with 20/20 eyesight. That’s because VISION occurs in the BRAIN and not in the eyes!

Is your child bright but frustrated and underperforming academically, athletically, or even socially? How many times have you heard that your child is bright but doesn’t apply themselves or work hard enough?

When a child’s visual system is not working properly, it causes them to work harder (overcompensate) with less- than-optimal results. The cascading effect is the inability to reach their potential, resulting in low self- confidence, struggle, exhaustion, frustration, and the inability to thrive, academically, socially and athletically. It doesn’t have to be this way!

Optometric Vision Therapy is essentially physical therapy for your visual system and teaches your eyes and brain to work together as a team. Our highly trained doctors and vision therapy specialists use a proven, individually tailored approach to introduce, improve and reinforce functional vision skills like tracking, teaming, focusing, and visual processing. Vision Therapy is one of the best investments you can make in your child’s future – results are invaluable and lasting.

Vision Therapy Services


Detect and treat vision issues that may cause behavioral, academic, or social issues.


Train the brain to control and coordinate vision between both eyes (brain-eye teamwork). Often referred to as Convergence Insufficiency.


Determine if your child’s struggles are related to ADHD, Dyslexia, or if it is a functional vision issue.


Detect and treat life-impacting vision issues that may occur in children and adults with a disability.


Correcting “lazy eye” through personalized exercises to enhance eye coordination, depth perception and reduce blurred vision.


Treat and rehabilitate the mismatch between what the “eye” sees and what the “brain” processes for everyday performance and quality of life.

Optometric Vision Therapy Specialists in Elma, NY

We specialize in providing comprehensive vision therapy for children, students, adults, and athletes. Our doctors are experts in addressing a wide range of visual issues such as learning problems, visual processing, eye tracking, eye teaming, and eye-hand coordination. We provide the highest quality evaluation and treatment for individuals of all ages and abilities.

Our doctors specialize in:

  • Developmental Optometric Vision Therapy
  • Syntonic Phototherapy
  • Vision Related Learning Problems
  • Behavioral & ADHD Symptoms
  • Strabismus/Amblyopia
  • Neuro-Optometric Rehab and more!
dr oconnor dr alyssa

“When patients “see” themselves and their world differently, they have more options available to them for their life’s journey. Our joy is helping them get there.”

– Dr. Dick O’Connor

Meet Our Doctors

We’re Here to Help!

Call us to schedule a functional vision evaluation today. We look forward to helping you or your loved one achieve their full potential, which can lead to increased success, confidence and a higher quality of life.


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Updates & Events

How Optometric Vision Therapy Can Change Your Childs Life – Workshop
November 7, 2024

Vision therapy workshop